"Analytics is the systematic computational analysis of data or statistics. It is used for the discovery, interpretation, and communication of meaningful patterns in data. It also entails applying data patterns towards effective decision-making. It can be valuable in areas rich with recorded information; analytics relies on the simultaneous application of statistics, computer programming and operations research to quantify performance."
- Wikipedia
So what is really analytics is for us. We are trying to use all described before to proccess incoming data, and translate is into valuable messurements so it can be easy to understand and proccess and apply some actions.
1) Widget Performance. This part is monitoring widget serving statistics, user attention etc.

2) Learning how user interacts with it. Depending on widget used it can learn, user intent and suggest something we may be interested in. It can also remember user navigation and help him to return to product or item he was looking before.

3) User feedback. User feedback is important part which means its getting direct user answers can be designed as short Yes/No questions, Like/Dislike, or longer question which requires user typing something to respond.

Out system is collecting multiple datapoints and doing powerfull analytics
helping to learn and maximize usabiility of your website
and make your visitors happy.

Analytics overall is very important part of every system in place, it
let to translate numbers into meaningfull information analyze it, find week spots
apply improvements, and get a better understanding why certain things not working as expected,
not selling as expected etc.

System is able to capture not only user input but also attention, intent, and other
behavoir related mesurments

Differrent widget designed for different flows and designed to capture different types of user engagements